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What Are You hungry For? Time To Press The “renew” Button!

As individuals, to different extents and differing at different times in our lives, we are hungry for survival, security, a sense of belonging, significance, and achievement, for the opportunity to be what only we can be (Maslow).

To do our best work in a team, we are hungry for inclusion, structure, for personal affirmation (FIRO-B). As personalities, we are hungry to be energised, to make sense of the world, to make decisions, and to take action (MBTI). To survive, we are hungry for purpose (Victor Frankl).

As organisations, teams are hungry for trust, for resolution of conflict, for strong commitment, for tracked accountability, and for results on which they can focus (Lencioni). Teams are also hungry for aligned collaboration, trusted decision-making, and continuous learning (Rathbone Results). High-performance teams arise when team members’ hunger for psychological safety is met when norms (ways of working) are clear when all can have their say because air space is shared (Google).

Globally, individually and organisationally, we are hungry to protect against the loss of status, certainty, autonomy, relationships, and fairness (David Rock) – especially in times of national unrest and geopolitical challenges that impact the economy, ecology, politics, energy, and health.

So it’s worth considering three questions, as individuals and business leaders - at this moment in history, and at this time of the year (September) when many businesses enter their final quarter:

  • How are we refreshing our strategy to take account of evolving issues – to clarify the “why” that satisfies critical hunger points (for security, certainty, autonomy, structure, decision-making protocols, actions to be taken, accountability, and purpose)?
  • What are we doing to unlock our teams’ “taste buds” and potential, especially their creative and innovative spirit, by addressing team members’ hunger for belonging, commitment, achievement, inclusion, and affirmation, for autonomy and resolution of conflict?
  • How are we stretching, supporting, and up-skilling our people, to satisfy their hunger to be energized, to make sense of their world, for survival, significance, status - to outperform?

To deliver optimal performance and be productive for as long as possible, company assets require regular maintenance (buildings, computer equipment, vehicles, plant, machinery) and updates (software systems). So to do people and teams, our most differentiating assets.

This is a great time to galvanize, to think differently, to take fresh action. As Einstein is attributed as saying: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Contact us to explore how we can partner with you to address the hunger points in your organisation, teams, and individuals.

Cora Lynn Heimer Rathbone

Book an exploratory call to find out how we can help you unlock your business potential.

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