August 21, 2022

Engaging The Next Generation To Commit To Scaling-up and Delivering Business Potential

Engaging The Next Generation To Commit To Scaling-up and Delivering Business Potential


“The more transparent financials give us better visibility over key areas of the business and management can use data and information to drive business decisions, rather than emotion or gut feeling. There is more understanding of ‘why and how’ something might need to happen, rather than just ‘what’ must happen, which is helping to future-proof for the next generation of the business.”

Becky Bone, Director

Our client

AT Bone is at its core a farming business which started as a livestock farm, expanded into arable and has diversified organically and opportunistically over the years to include construction, commercial lettings, landscape spraying, and haulage.

The Challenge

As a family business, the company has always grown organically and continues to do so, but that growth needed structure to future-proof the business.

A new generation is coming through the business and cannot rely on the same gut-feeling decision-making of the past, so better structure was needed to keep people and roles aligned plus provide better visibility over productivity, sales and finance.

The size of the business and opportunities before it, are now such that the business knew it would benefit from defining and documenting a strategic plan – to identify business unit objectives and highlight areas of responsibility and ownership.

How we helped address the challenge

  • We facilitated and documented the company’s first ever strategic plan.
  • Supported implementation of action plans through monthly review sessions with teams and team leaders.
  • Designed, created and delivered a customised management development programme for the next-generation management team.
  • Provided coaching for those next generational managers to take more initiative, be more accountable for their parts of the business, have greater oversight across the whole business and work more collaboratively as a whole team.

The results

As a result of the programme of work we delivered, the business now benefits from:

  • More transparent management accounting with granularity at departmental level
  • to give the Bones greater clarity of the finances on a monthly basis
    • through identification of what makes customers attractive and what makes AT Bone attractive to customers
      • informed around their individual roles and the cross-dependency between departments
        • for greater accountability and to provide room for greater initiative


        AT Bone teams have:

        • A greater understanding of different motivations across teams and how to harness these for improved productivity and teamwork.
        • Improved responsibility and accountability at all levels, leading to more efficient working.
        • Improved visibility over productivity and finance plus the identification of key business metrics mean the AT Bone management team can make firmer, timelier, data-driven decisions.


        “The more transparent financials give us better visibility over key areas of the business and management can use data and information to drive business decisions, rather than emotion or gut feeling. There is more understanding of ‘why and how’ something might need to happen, rather than just ‘what’ must happen, which is helping to future-proof for the next generation of the business.”

        Becky Bone, Director

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