March 08, 2019

Growing sales from the website from zero to £1m in 2 years.

Growing sales from the website from zero to £1m in 2 years.


Not only has it led to an increase in sales, but our work has also had a positive effect on the sales culture within the company. As the MD says: “The investment and commitment we made in Rathbone Results and the action plan for the new website has really paid off. The sales team no longer have an expectation that web-leads are ‘poor’ and new account sales are up and continue to grow…. Rathbone Results are an asset to any business wanting to improve its bottom line results.”

Managing Director, Technology business

Our client

A specialist technology manufacturing, installation and service company employing 30+ people in the South East.

The Challenge

The company wanted to grow its business significantly by increasing the size of its customer base. The issue was how to maximise the productivity of their sales team by providing them with warm, quality leads, rather than leaving them to cold call.

How we helped address the challenge:

We worked with the company and completed a sales and marketing audit and identified that the company website was only producing about 5% of their sales. We then developed an eight-point action plan and helped put it in place. The plan was designed to:

  1. Invest in the development of a new website
  2. Ensure the new website was correctly optimised for search engines (so that Google and other search engines ‘see’ and ‘rank’ the site appropriately)
  3. Continually maintain and enhance the optimisation (SEO)
  4. Produce regular ‘content’ in articles (which aids both the SEO and marketing)
  5. Develop multiple calls to action on the website
  6. Test alternative landing page formats to maximise conversion rates
  7. Analyse the website data to constantly improve lead generation
  8. Build a significant database for email marketing

The Results

We were able to make significant improvements to the sales made from the new website. Here’s what we achieved in less than two years:

  • £1m website sales in two years
  • 25% of system sales are from website leads (up from just 5% originally)
  • The number of new customers per annum substantially increased
  • Online brand awareness significantly raised

New account sales are up


Not only has it led to an increase in sales, but our work has also had a positive effect on the sales culture within the company. As the MD says: “The investment and commitment we made in Rathbone Results and the action plan for the new website has really paid off. The sales team no longer have an expectation that web-leads are ‘poor’ and new account sales are up and continue to grow…. Rathbone Results are an asset to any business wanting to improve its bottom line results.”

Managing Director, Technology business

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