March 08, 2019

Increasing business growth, profitability and sustainability.

Increasing business growth, profitability and sustainability.


“To break it down very simply, since we have been working with Rathbone Results, we have doubled in turnover and profit but with the same amount of staff we had 12 months ago. Something has clicked into place and it’s not a coincidence. Rathbone Results strip back the business, tell you some home truths and tell you, from experience, what you need to do. Then you have to do it – but they’re going to be there every step of the way to make sure it works.”

Ollie Window, Select Security Specialists

The Issue: static turnover after high initial growth

Select Security Specialists

The Issue:

Before working with Rathbone Results SSS were at the ‘glass ceiling’ stage. They had experienced three years of rapid business growth, but then, as is common in many businesses hit a plateau of static turnover and profitability. The founder and owner, Ollie Window found they could not see how to take the company to the next level and felt the company’s growth had stalled. As Ollie says:

“After three years of incredible growth, we hit a glass ceiling. We couldn’t see the wood for the trees. Our growth had stalled and we could not see how to get to the next level. We needed some experienced help. Even the boss needs a boss sometimes!”

Expert advice from a sector specialist

After contacting Rathbone Results, John O’Connell was asked to meet with SSS. John is a business and security expert with over 30 years’ experience in his industry, John is a serial entrepreneur and has built and sold seven businesses, five of which were acquired by major PLC’s. John encapsulates what makes Rathbone Results stand apart from other business consultancies – they put sector experts into your company.

“The great thing about Rathbone Results is that they put an expert into our business. We work face-to-face in-house with someone who has seen all the ups and downs of the security sector”

Embrace the change

Working closely with Ollie and the SSS team over a four-week period, John conducted a thorough analysis of the entire business. John analysed:

  • Marketing
  • Sales process
  • Planning & design
  • Installation
  • Engineering
  • Aftercare & maintenance

Trust was built quickly as John’s sector experience made an immediate impact on the business. A business growth plan to kick-start the business back into expansion was created. Strict systems and processes were put in place and procedures streamlined across all aspects of the business. Sometimes change can be hard to manage. However, by breaking down all aspects of the business and applying new processes and methods, change was managed in a positive and effective way to deliver the growth required. This created a calm, stable and highly efficient workplace, an essential foundation for all future growth plans.

“I had worked with other business consultants before when trying to break our glass ceiling. Local authorities have put them into us, but the people we worked with had not run their own security business like John. That is a huge gap in experience.”

Turnover doubles, profits triple

Just over a year later SSS had doubled their turnover, tripled their profits and developed a recurring revenue stream of over 600 maintenance contracts.

Select Security Specialists with Rathbone Results


“To break it down very simply, since we have been working with Rathbone Results, we have doubled in turnover and profit but with the same amount of staff we had 12 months ago. Something has clicked into place and it’s not a coincidence. Rathbone Results strip back the business, tell you some home truths and tell you, from experience, what you need to do. Then you have to do it – but they’re going to be there every step of the way to make sure it works.”

Ollie Window, Select Security Specialists

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