Non-Executive Director

Marcia Marini

As an entrepreneur, Marcia has started and led the growth of several companies. Nowadays, she holds NED and Board Advisory roles in fast growth businesses.

Marcia Marini

Her executive experience includes leading the growth of a health start-up consultancy, with expansion into over 20 countries, growing it from zero to £20m of revenues in seven years, then selling it to Mott MacDonald Group (MMG). At MMG she was one of the top nine executive leaders, and the first female, and held responsibility for £80m of revenues.

Over the last 12 years, Marcia has focussed her work in helping entrepreneurs start, grow, and scale their businesses. She has worked with hundreds of brilliant entrepreneurs and SME leaders in various capacities - NED, Board Advisor, Growth Expert, Investor, and Coach & Mentor - meaningfully contributing to the sustainable growth and success of over 60 SMEs.

Marcia has:

  • Been involved in fifteen M&A transactions.
  • Held (and holds) several Non-Executive Director and Board Advisor roles, including in plc environment.
  • Extensive NED experience, understands board governance and what it takes to be a good board and a good NED. Marcia has also chaired several Board Committees.

Marcia is one of eight Growth Experts at the Consultancy Growth Network, an association with over 200 consultancy founders and leaders who are scaling their businesses, and a long-term Associate of Equiteq Investment Bank.

Marcia has a degree in Systems Analysis and Software Development, a Masters in Computer Science, and an MBA. She is a Certified Board Director, by the Institute of Directors, and an accredited Executive Coach, by The Institute of Leadership.

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